"And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel." -Genesis 3:15 (NIV)

Ever have a situation that seemed impossible but against all odds, you dared to believe God could work things out? Sometimes situations turn around instantly, others, not so much. There are moments of clarity when God pours out His love on you and gives you His Word that He is taking care of your needs but then time passes… Days become weeks. Weeks become months and before long you’re looking back on the year wondering if God forgot about you.
While you may feel forgotten and things may get worse, God never fails to keep a promise.
If He said it, He’ll do it. God is always working on your behalf for your good, even when you don’t see it. Take the Israelites for example. They were camped on the other side of the Jordan near Jericho. Meanwhile, an enemy king hired Balaam to curse them but God went to great lengths to ensure Balaam blessed His people not once or even twice, but three times! God was protecting His people and setting them up for victory even when they didn’t see or know about it!
Back in Genesis, at the very beginning of the world, God gave His word that He would send someone to crush the serpent and set things right. God was working all through human history weaving all the intricacies together to bring what He promised to pass.
The Father was working to protect Mary, Joseph and Jesus when He sent the wise men on a journey in pursuit of His Son. He was working through them and their gifts to protect His Son from Herod and ensure Mary and Joseph would have the financial means to flee to Egypt. The couple had no idea God was working on their behalf when the wisemen decided to take another route home.
God does the same for you. Even when you don’t see the evidence of promise, it is still in motion. You don’t know all that’s going on behind the scenes. Keep believing. Hold on to the promise God gave you. You are a believer! That’s who you are! Hold fast and trust God. He will come through!
Declare The Word:
I hold fast to the profession of my faith WITHOUT WAVERING for He is faithful that promised! (Hebrews 10:23 KJV). God is not human, that He should lie, not a human being, that He should change His mind. When He speaks, He WILL ACT! When He promises, He WILL FULFILL! (Numbers 23:19 NIV).